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October 2012

October News

Annual General Meeting_2012

2012 AGM: at the Restoration Hangar on 17th November at 11am

Our Permanent Home

On 10th September we met with David Zammut (Places Victoria), Doug Tipping (Melbourne Water) & Andrew Elsbury (B-24 Mentor). It is good to have MW once again represented at these meetings.

PV is in the process of getting ready to make a submission to Heritage Victoria for an amendment to the Heritage Order on the Werribee Field site and remaining buildings. We have had visits from engineers & Heritage Consultants who are assisting PV in this exercise. The matter should go for public consultation early in 2013.

We have been given a draft copy of the Conservation Management Plan by PV & Committee members are reading through this. The Adaptive Re-use strategy is still not available. This will form the basis of the amendment submission. We will get a copy before it goes to Heritage.

We were once again assured that the restoration has a place in the development but no definite site was given. MW affirmed that the Fund would be given a minimum of 18 months notice to quit the hangar if that decision was taken.

Next meeting will be in December. Andrew Elsbury will contact Wyndham City Council to request that a member of the Council’s planning group become a regular participant at these meetings so that all interested parties are represented.

Work on the interior is progressing.

The oxygen bottles have been fitted at the rear of the fuselage & work is proceeding with the fitting of the floor in that area.

The engine was temporarily mounted on the new trailer to test if the trailer is capable of transporting the heavy engine to displays. It took a couple of day’s work to get the engine onto the trailer.

The first of the story boards has been completed & placed beside the Link Trainer. It looks good & gives our visitors another source of information.

Charles Cull working on a front gun sight

Oxford Update

Work is progressing on the seats - and their mounting brackets; on the undercarriage mount; and, the wing-to-centre section joint.