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June 2013

June, 2013 News

A Permanent Home

Have not been able to schedule the June meeting with Places Victoria & Melbourne Water as PV are reorganising &, as yet, do not know who will be responsible for the Riverwalk Estate. We will have the meeting as soon as that problem is fixed. Do hope we can continue to work with David Zammut (PV). He has been very supportive of the Fund.

On Thursday 23rd May, Andrew Elsbury brought Gordon Rich-Phillips (MLC, Asst Treasurer, Min. for Technology & Min. for the Aviation Industry) to the hangar to show him the project. Gordon, who is an aviation fan, did enjoy himself. He toured the restoration & met many of the workers. Of course, we showed him our blueprint for the future & he was impressed with the concept of a museum precinct on our existing site. We explained the need to have the area proclaimed Crown Land & he has said he will assist in that process.

This week we have received a letter of support from Wyndham City Council. They state that the Fund is important to Wyndham, not only as a tourism attraction but also as a “valuable provider of meaningful volunteer experience.” WCC said:

“Council supports the concept of MW surrendering the site to the Crown with the understanding that a new Crown lease will then be offered to the Fund.”

We appreciate this written support.

We’re feeling good. These developments have been the first positive steps in a long while.

Gordon Rich-Phillips: "This is a serious point, Dave!"

Andrew doing his own inspection with Noel Grant

Liberator Update

A survey of equipment/artefacts at both Sayers Rd & the hangar is under way. We have decided to have an auction to clear both areas of unwanted gear. The Sayers Road lease is short term & we need to come to grips with what we have at both sites, so as to make the move, when it happens, an easier job.

Work on the Radome is progressing well. We have contacted the Smithsonian Museum in USA to ask for details on its installation.

Oxford Update

Four hangar workers have completed a training course at Bacchus Marsh Gliding Club in wood & fabric on aircraft. These skills will be vital for the Oxford replica. They will pass the skills on to other hangar workers. They did learn that they needed a secure, vented area when working with glues so we will set up this ASAP making sure the area is well away from visitors.

The control column of the Oxford is complete. We will show this along with the two cockpit seats, as a display in the hangar until it is needed in the plane.

Cheetah Engine

Work is continuing. The crew have been trying to free up the cylinders & have now succeeded in removing all but one due to carefully applied measures of hot and cold.

Are we having fun yet? 

Calendar of Events

Have decided against going to Bendigo. It will be held the weekend before Ballarat & us “oldies: aren’t up to displays 2 weekends running!

13th , 14th July: Ballarat Gun Show, display taken to Ballarat

2nd, 3rd November: Lake Goldsmith Steam Rally, display taken to site.

Recent Events

The annual Liberator reunion on 24th April was, as usual, a good day. Numbers were slightly down but those who attended (over 70) enjoyed their day. Some were unable to attend because it was a mid week event. We will have to think about the 2014 date to decide if we will continue to have it the day before Anzac Day or the weekend before as many veterans rely on family members to bring them to the hangar.

Above: Sharing memories

Food is coming....soon.

Gisborne Steam Rally

Our participation at the Gisborne Steam Rally was a success. We had a constant stream of visitors to the stand & have booked a couple of hangar visits as a result. We certainly hope we get invited again next year.

Look at me, dad. I’m flying!

As usual the cockpit was a great hit with the kids (and dads) - see photo above. The cutaway P&W 1830 created a lot of interest.

Met one of the organisers of the Winton Vintage Car Races at Gisborne & have been invited to display at their event in 2014. We hope to be able to do this as it will give us a new audience.

We visited Lake Goldsmith during their May Rally to check the arrangements for November & are pleased with what has been offered. We should be able to put on a good display there.


Have had a great response to our request for prompt renewals. Thank you all for your co-operation.


Hangar Visitors

Have made a good start to the year with individual visitors & group bookings.

The groups are coming from different areas which means our publicity is having some impact.

There have been groups on bus tours calling in as well as caravan clubs.

We’ve also had the “regulars”: car clubs, Ulysses Bike Clubs & RAAF cadets.

If you belong to a club the hangar is a great venue to visit. 

Don Davis 

We have lost another hangar worker. Don Davis passed away 18th April on his way to the hangar. He also will be sadly missed.

Don made the wing tips for the Liberator & was furious when they were stolen. He was delighted when they were returned. He was also heavily involved in the refurbishment of the oxygen system components for the Liberator. Before his death he was busy restoring the seats for the Oxford.

Don was the author of the book, on sale in the hangar shop, on the progress of the restoration.

Don at work on the Oxford...listening to classical music.


You only need two tools in life: WD40 and duct tape. If it doesn’t move and it should, use WD40; if it shouldn’t move and does, use duct tape.

I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned that most people die of natural causes!